Pancreatic Cancer


3d rendered medically accurate illustration of pancreas cancer
Pancreas illustration

Why choose UCLA Health for pancreatic cancer care?

At UCLA Health’s Agi Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Diseases在美国,我们处于创新胰腺癌治疗的前沿. We’re proud to offer:

Better outcomes:皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们的胰腺癌存活率在全国名列前茅. Our experts are leaders in pancreatic cancer treatments.

Surgical expertise: 我们经验丰富的外科肿瘤学家团队比南皇冠hga025任何其他医院进行更多的胰腺手术. 我们每天都用我们无与伦比的专业知识为我们的病人服务.

Team-based care: 我们的医生每周会聚一次,审查你的胰腺癌治疗计划. We combine our experience and expertise to ensure you receive the treatment for pancreatic cancer symptoms and the care that’s best for you.

Convenient locations: 您可以在我们位于大洛杉矶地区的皇冠hga020电脑版癌症护理中心接受胰腺癌治疗. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康是自豪地提供最高质量的护理,离家近.

Our services

From your pancreatic cancer diagnosis to follow-up care, 我们的关怀团队提供全面的服务,包括:


Depending on your symptoms, 你的肿瘤科医生可能会要求你做以下一项或多项胰腺癌检查:

Lab tests: Doctors may order a blood panel called CA 19-9, a urine analysis, or a stool test to help detect cancer.

Advanced imaging: Tests that include X-rays and imaging such as CT scan, MRI, and positron emission tomography (PET) scans.

Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC): An X-ray of the bile ducts using an intravenous contrast dye.

DOTA-TATE Gallium-68 PET scan: 一种PET扫描,其中注入了放射性药物,使肿瘤更明显. DOTA-TATE镓-68 PET扫描在全国只有少数几个地方提供. 有了这台最先进的机器,皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的医生可以在早期发现较小的肿瘤.

Endoscopic ultrasound: A diagnostic procedure using a thin tube, called an endoscope, with an ultrasound tip to take images of the pancreas, bile duct and digestive tract.

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): 一种使用x射线和内窥镜捕捉胰腺图像的微创手术.

Pancreatic biopsy: 外科医生采集胰腺组织样本以寻找癌症的一种程序.

Cancer genetics

我们的癌症遗传学专家评估了可能增加患胰腺癌风险的遗传因素. Knowing about a specific genetic risk allows us to tailor a pancreatic cancer treatment plan that is optimal for you. Learn more about the cancer genetics program at UCLA Health. 

Cancer support

当你或你所爱的人患有癌症时,找到一个支持你的皇冠hga020电脑版是很重要的. Turn to the Simms/Mann-UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology for resources to help you cope with the burdens of pancreatic cancer symptoms and treatment. 我们提供心理咨询、精神护理和身心康复、压力管理等方面的研讨会.

Pancreatic cancers we treat

胰腺癌起源于胰腺,胰腺是消化系统的一个腹部器官. There are two main types of pancreatic cancer:

Exocrine pancreatic tumor: 从外分泌细胞开始,这些细胞位于胰腺的导管和外分泌腺中. 外分泌细胞帮助分解碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质和酸. Types of exocrine tumors include:

Adenocarcinoma: The most common form of pancreatic cancer. It accounts for 95% of cases. Adenocarcinoma usually starts in the exocrine ducts.

Colloid carcinoma: An uncommon form of pancreatic cancer. 胶体癌最初是一种称为导管内乳头状粘液瘤(IPMN)的良性囊肿。.

Squamous cell carcinoma: 一种罕见的胰腺癌,由起源于胰管的鳞状细胞组成. Most cases are discovered after they have spread.

Neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors: Originate in the pancreas’ endocrine gland cells, 哪一种向血液中释放激素来调节血糖. These tumors can be benign or cancerous. They include:

Gastrinoma: 位于胰腺或十二指肠的恶性肿瘤,是小肠的一部分.

Glucagonoma: A pancreatic tumor that causes blood sugar levels to rise. 这种肿瘤的一个常见症状是当身体分泌过多的胰高血糖素时出现皮疹. Around 80% of these tumors are malignant.  

Insulinoma: 一种罕见的遗传性胰腺肿瘤,分泌胰岛素,一种降低血糖水平的激素. Almost all insulinoma tumors are benign (not cancerous).

VIPoma: 一种胰腺肿瘤,分泌血管活性肠多肽(VIP), which causes severe diarrhea and potassium loss. These tumors are malignant about 50 to 75 percent of the time.

Treatments we offer

Your pancreatic cancer treatment will depend on your diagnosis and progression of the cancer. 我们提供一系列的治疗方法,这样您的护理团队就可以制定一个个性化的计划来满足您的需求. Treatments include:

Nonsurgical pancreatic cancer treatments

Some types of pancreatic cancer may be treated without surgery. Treatments include:

Chemotherapy: Powerful drugs used to kill pancreatic cancer cells. 化疗也可以在手术前用于缩小肿瘤或在手术后用于降低癌症复发的风险.

Radiation therapy: 聚焦高能辐射束,瞄准并杀死胰腺癌细胞.

Immunotherapy: 一种激活免疫系统攻击癌细胞的生物疗法.

Clinical trials: 测试新疗法的安全性和有效性的研究.

Pancreatic cancer surgery

Our highly trained surgeons are skilled in minimally invasive, robot-assisted, and traditional surgeries. We offer:

Whipple surgery: 切除胰腺肿瘤并取附近淋巴结活检样本的复杂程序. Surgeons may also remove surrounding organs, such as the bile duct, gallbladder, and part of the small intestine. 切除这些器官会增加所有癌细胞被清除的机会. Whipple surgery is also called a pancreatoduodenectomy.

Distal pancreatectomy: 切除胰腺左侧或尾部肿瘤的外科手术. Surgeons usually remove the spleen as well.

Total pancreatectomy: Surgery to remove the entire pancreas. 外科医生也可能切除胆囊、脾脏以及部分胃和小肠.

Our expert team

At UCLA Health’s Center for Pancreatic Diseases你将得到顶级胰腺癌专家团队的精心护理. 我们的专家进行的胰腺手术比该地区任何一家医院都多, and our outcomes are some of the best in the nation.

Contact us

Call 310-206-6889 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的胰腺癌专家.

Find your care

Let our experts create a personalized treatment plan for you. For more information, connect with a cancer care specialist at 310-206-6889.