
We offer integrative medicine for both hospitalized and ambulatory patients in several locations, 融合了现代西医和传统中医的精华, 一切以卓越的客户服务.




“All forms of medicine aim to ease human suffering and improve quality of life; they differ only in their approaches to the realization of this goal. 的 blending of traditional and biomedical approaches to health and healing can maximize the safety and effectiveness of care in an accessible and affordable manner.-许家杰,医学博士,注册会计师


东西方医学中心(CEWM) 运用基于理性思维的独特综合健康模式, 现代的发展, and evidence-based research to not only treat but to also educate to ensure long-term health and the prevention of illness.

出于安全和成本效益的考虑, integrative physicians at the Center utilize a systems approach to address the needs of the highly complex nature of the person and restore balance and wellbeing as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (the World Health Organization’s current definition of health).

我们的诊所是真正的综合诊所. Our US-trained and board-certified physicians also have training and experience in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). 的 clinical team also includes a group of non-physician expert clinical extenders trained in TCM. 一起工作, the clinical team applies our patient-centered approach to develop individualized integrative treatment plans to meet each patient’s needs.


  • 颈部疼痛
  • 肩痛
  • 背部疼痛
  • 髋部疼痛
  • 膝盖疼痛
  • 骨关节炎
  • 术后慢性疼痛
  • 与怀孕有关的背痛
  • 肌筋膜疼痛
  • 坐骨神经痛
  • 神经病,神经性疼痛
  • 腕管综合症
  • 网球肘
  • 偏头痛和其他头痛疾病
  • 哮喘
  • 过敏
  • 女性保健(痛经、产后营养、更年期潮热)
  • 晨吐
  • 癌症相关和化疗相关的恶心和疲劳
  • 纤维肌痛症
  • 慢性疲劳综合症
  • Post-viral综合症
  • 焦虑
  • 抑郁症
  • 失眠
  • 肠易激综合征和其他功能性胃肠疾病
  • 压力



东西初级保健; 创建于2013年7月, is a subset of the larger Center for 东西方医学 which provides primary and continuity medical care.


  • Dr. 爱德华回族
  • Dr. 凯蒂·胡
  • Dr. Alan Chu(仅在圣莫尼卡店)

东西方咨询护理 is a subspecialty clinic that offers holistic services that blend both conventional biomedicine and traditional Chinese medicine to treat a wide spectrum of clinical problems and diseases. Patients are evaluated by board-certified internists and family practitioners with varying levels of background in traditional Chinese medicine. 医生监督的护理计划可能包括针灸的组合, 触发点注射, 肌筋膜释放, 药物的调整, 生活方式指导, and dietary recommendations; and are delivered via team-based treatment that often will include clinical extenders (acupuncturist, 手动治疗师). 护理以解决问题为导向,具备处理慢性和复杂病例的能力. This care is available at all three clinical sites: Santa Monica, Westlake Village, and Torrance.


You will be evaluated by board-certified internists/family practitioners/geriatricians with varying levels of background in traditional Chinese medicine. Integrative 东西方医学 treatment plans often include a mix of 生活方式指导 and diet recommendations, 药物的调整, 临床管理指导, 针灸, 触发点注射和车身. 这种低技术含量的, low-cost and high-touch approach is delivered by a team that may include dual-trained physicians and clinician extenders working together and backed up by dedicated and motivated administrative and clinical staff. 为了快速了解CEWM的第一次办公室访问, 观看我们诊所的视频介绍 从我们原来和之前的诊所找到的. 最重要的是,你,病人,是治疗中最重要的一部分. 我们强烈强调自助和积极参与康复, 恢复和优化生活方式和饮食,以维持和改善您的健康.


你每次看病都要看医生. 在很多情况下, a clinician extender (typically an acupuncturist or 手动治疗师) might also be involved in your care. 在加利福尼亚州, becoming a licensed acupuncturist requires the completion of a four-year master's degree program in TCM, 或者毕业于中国的中医学校. 针灸师还必须通过严格的国家委员会考试. 东西方医学中心的所有针灸师都是经过委员会认证的, 并接受过中医和现代西医的培训.


不,我们和针灸诊所不一样. An 针灸 clinic in your community is typically run by acupuncturists or TCM practitioners (commonly with a LAc after their name). 病人寻求治疗通常是为了针灸, 草本植物, 其他治疗各种症状的方法, 甚至只是为了促进幸福. 患者可以支付现金或使用保险接受治疗,通常在同一天.

Our clinic is a physician-lead consultative clinic within the department of medicine at UCLA. 患者通常由初级保健提供者和专家转诊, 就像他们可能会被转到其他专业一样, 像风湿病学, 例如. 的 initial evaluation involves an extensive history and physical examination performed by a board-certified physician (MD). 我们将共同制定护理计划, 可能包括针灸, 触发点注射, 车身和/或医疗管理/协调.


针灸是中国数百万人使用的一种有效的治疗方法, 韩国, 日本, 还有其他国家. Acupuncture encompasses a host of therapeutic and healing techniques that have been practiced for more than 2000 years. 尽管西方使用了许多不同的技术和风格, 支持针灸有效性的科学证据是多变的. 这部分是由于研究动态的困难, patient-centered system with the current research methodology that is dictated by the reductionist standards of scientific inquiry. 尽管存在这些挑战, 越来越多的研究支持针灸治疗多种疾病, 包括慢性头痛, 膝骨关节炎, 慢性疼痛, 痛经(痛经), 还有一些肌肉骨骼损伤.


在传统和现代针灸文献中指出了数百种情况, and 针灸 practitioners claim that a great diversity of conditions respond to 针灸. But modern clinical research has only investigated the efficacy of 针灸 in treating a limited number of conditions. 研究表明,针灸疗法可以有效治疗:

  • 慢性疼痛:腰背部, 脖子, 面部疼痛, 头痛, 纤维肌痛症, 肌筋膜疼痛, 关节疼痛, 关节炎, 网球肘, 腕管综合症, 骨关节炎
  • 急性疼痛:牙痛、术后疼痛
  • 鼻窦炎
  • 哮喘
  • 泌尿系统问题:尿急或尿频
  • Gynecological problems: menstrual pain, menstrual irregularity, menopausal symptoms, pelvic pain
  • 焦虑


一般来说,它们不会造成太大的伤害. 针灸针明显更细, 小, 与用于抽血和免疫接种的皮下注射针头相比,它不是空心的. 根据选择的穴位,使用不同大小的针, 但这些针都和人的头发一样粗. 如果有不适, the degree of pain you might experience will depend on how sensitive you are to the 针灸 needles, and what 针灸 points are used for your treatment (some points are more sensitive than others). Although uncommon, an area needled may have some redness, bruising, minor bleeding, or 肿胀. 在极少数情况下,接受治疗的人会晕倒或出现肌肉痉挛.


所有皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校针灸针在诊所使用的单独包装和无菌. 它们使用一次,然后处理掉. 针头永远不会被回收.


This is another needle-based treatment that is commonly used in combination with 针灸 in our clinic. Trigger point injections are a technique developed since the 1920s and became popularized by Janet Travell, 他被约翰·F·肯尼迪选为白宫医生. 治疗他的慢性肌肉骨骼疼痛. 的re is a considerable body of basic science and clinical evidence to support its use to treat 肌筋膜疼痛 and many other pain and non-pain syndromes.

与针灸相比,这个过程包括一个稍大的针, 哪一种是用来消除触发点和解决肌肉紧张和痉挛. 少量局部麻醉剂我们通常使用利多卡因注入. 我们不注射皮质类固醇. 治疗部位可能会出现疼痛、瘀伤或轻微炎症. 在极少数情况下, 利多卡因可能引起过敏反应, 哪些会导致炎症, 肿胀, 或皮疹.


草药推荐, 维生素, 和补品都是基于现代医学和中医方法. We have no affiliations or financial disclosures with pharmaceutical companies or herbal/supplement companies. Herbal and supplement recommendations may vary depending on conditions or preferences as well as the 东西方医学 provider. 我们绝不会在诊所里卖给你产品.

