
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康核医学专家有丰富的经验,使用复杂的成像技术来诊断和管理疾病. Our knowledgeable, highly skilled team helps children and adults.

PET/CT scan for nuclear medicine
Radiologist preparing patient for PET-CT scanner.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 excellence in 核医学

At the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Ahmanson Translational Imaging Division, our experts use nuclear medicine procedures to diagnose, manage and treat a range of conditions. 我们擅长使用突破性的成像技术,为所有年龄段的人提供最高水平的护理. Highlights of our program include:

Expertise in diagnosis and treatment: 我们在使用核医学技术的最先进成像和治疗方面处于全国领先地位. Our highly skilled specialists work as a team to evaluate and stage disease, provide a precise diagnosis and offer potential treatments.

方便的护理: We perform nuclear medicine procedures at several locations, including inpatient and outpatient clinics in Westwood, 圣塔莫尼卡, Thousand Oaks and Santa Clarita. 我们富有同情心的团队使您尽可能轻松地获得所需的护理.

Groundbreaking therapies: 核医学专家与一个协调的专家团队合作,治疗神经内分泌肿瘤(NETs)和前列腺癌. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的核医学诊所是美国最早使用Lutathera®治疗NET患者的医疗中心之一, and prostate cancer patients with Pluvicto®.

Precise prostate cancer staging: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康核医学专家使用PET/CT与成像探针靶向前列腺特异性膜抗原(PSMA). PSMA PET/CT扫描以无与伦比的准确性帮助诊断和分期前列腺癌. 这些扫描的结果使病人的护理团队能够计划更有效的治疗.

致力于研究: 我们的专家处于核医学技术最新进展的最前沿. 我们积极参与研究,开发新的核医学技术,帮助医生进行诊断, manage and treat cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurological disease.


核医学使用少量的放射性示踪剂或药物来帮助医生诊断和治疗各种疾病. During a nuclear medicine procedure, your doctor uses a large scanner to take detailed pictures of your body. 核医学治疗是通过注射或吞咽放射性药物来进行的.

放射性示踪剂或药物被吸引到特定的器官、骨骼、组织或细胞上. 你的医生使用特殊的相机,可以成像示踪剂在你体内积聚和“点亮”的地方. This information helps your doctor diagnose and evaluate many conditions.

What can I expect during my nuclear medicine procedure?

手术前, 你的医生或核医学技术专家会给你少量的放射性示踪剂. Most tracers are injected into a vein, some are swallowed or inhaled. This is followed by a scan. Depending on the type of procedure, 在获得示踪剂和进行扫描之间,您可能需要等待几个小时或几天.  

After your scan, it is safe for you to go home and resume your usual activities. 放射性物质通常会在几个小时内失去其放射性,并在你上厕所时自然离开你的身体.

Reactions to nuclear medicine tracers and drugs are extremely rare.If you have concerns or any allergies, talk to your doctor. Nuclear medicine procedures are safe. 你从核医学检查中接受的总辐射量与你在x光或CT扫描中接受的辐射量相当.

When the images from your scan are ready, your doctor reviews them and creates a report for your care team. 您的护理团队将与您联系,检查结果,回答问题并讨论下一步.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we use nuclear medicine procedures to diagnose disease, 管理条件, plan treatment and de肝 targeted therapies. Nuclear medicine technology enables us to:

诊断条件: Our experts perform scans of the heart, 甲状腺, 肝, 肾脏, 胆囊, 肺部和其他器官,以了解这些器官是如何工作的,并诊断一系列疾病. 例子 of these conditions include cardiovascular disease, 阿尔茨海默病, 癫痫和癌症.

Manage disease and plan treatments: 我们使用核医学扫描的结果来收集有关人物的信息, and stage of the disease as well as how it is responding to therapy. 使用这些信息, 您的护理团队可以制定最合适的治疗计划,同时降低未来疾病的风险.

Provide effective therapies: Nuclear medicine allows us to de肝 therapy directly to certain cancers. 例子 include neuroendocrine tumors, prostate cancer and 甲状腺 cancer. 

Nuclear medicine scans and procedures we offer

我们的团队使用先进的成像技术来提供最新的护理. We specialize in all nuclear medicine procedures, including:

Positron emission tomography and computerized tomography (PET/CT) scans

这些成像测试使用安全剂量的放射性示踪剂,生成人体的详细图像. The images allow us to see how organs are working and evaluate abnormal, damaged or cancerous tissues.

After giving you the tracer, your doctor performs the PET/CT scan. The tracer collects in certain areas of the body and shows up on the images. Depending on the procedure, these highlighted areas may indicate tumors, evidence of 阿尔茨海默病 or problems with the heart or blood vessels.

Cardiac perfusion scan (nuclear stress test)

This imaging study evaluates blood flow through the arteries of your heart. We inject a small amount of safe, radioactive tracer into a vein. As the tracer moves through your heart muscle, 我们用扫描仪拍照,这样我们就可以检查你心脏里的血管. 我们可以根据扫描显示的示踪剂来识别任何受损区域或血流问题.

我们在您休息和锻炼后进行这项测试(核压力测试). 在做第二次扫描之前,你的医生可能会要求你在跑步机上行走或做其他可以提高你的心率的活动. We then compare the resting images to the post-exercise images.

A cardiac perfusion scan helps us see how much blood is reaching the heart. 它使我们能够确定胸痛的原因或评估心脏病发作后的损害.

Prostate-specific membrane antigens (PSMA) PET/CT imaging

这项先进的成像研究使我们能够定位前列腺肿瘤,从而开发出更有效的治疗方法. The test uses a safe, radioactive tracer. Your doctor injects the tracer into a vein in your arm. As the tracer flows through your bloodstream, 它附着在前列腺癌肿瘤表面形成的特定蛋白质(称为PSMA)上.

医生使用先进的扫描仪查看你的前列腺和周围器官的图像. 一旦示踪剂在扫描中突出肿瘤,他们就能精确定位肿瘤的位置. This advanced technology leads to more precise diagnoses and therapies. Learn more about the PSMA PET/CT scan.

Targeted treatment for neuroendocrine tumors (NET)

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们提供Lutathera®, 晚期(转移性)胃神经内分泌肿瘤的现代治疗方法, 肠道或胰腺. These tumors are sometimes called carcinoid tumors. As part of a clinical trial prior to FDA approval, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家治疗了比全国任何其他医疗中心更多的患者. This means we have significant experience using this therapy. 

卢瑟拉®是一种 peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT), 一种以肿瘤为目标,通过高剂量的辐射来摧毁肿瘤的治疗方法. When your doctor injects Lutathera® through a vein, 它通过你的血液,附着在神经内分泌肿瘤的细胞上. Once it’s attached to these cells, Lutathera® de肝s a targeted dose of radiation to destroy the cancer cells.

Lutathera®(Lutetium 177-DOTATATE)已被证明可减少这些肿瘤患者的疾病进展. To de肝 treatments for NETs, we work closely with a multispecialty team that includes oncologists, 内分泌学家, surgeons and interventional radiologists. Learn more about the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 neuroendocrine tumor program (NET).


我们的团队包括核医学诊断领域公认的领导者, 管理和治疗疾病. 我们与其他皇冠hga025的专家合作,确保对儿童和成人的协调照顾. Team Directory >


呼叫 310-794-1005 to connect with a 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 nuclear medicine expert.


您可以相信皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康提供准确的诊断和卓越的护理使用核医学的最新进展. 呼叫 310-794-1005 to connect with an expert.