
Our leading experts in gynecology care offer specialized services to meet your every need. 我们是来帮忙的, whether you’re looking for a wellness exam or treatment for a gynecologic condition.


We’re one of the nation’s leaders for comprehensive gynecological services and treatments that deliver excellent outcomes. 你可以相信我们的同情心, skilled specialists for everything from routine preventive exams to treatment of complex diseases.


Trusted expertise: Our renowned providers specialize in all areas of gynecological health. We rank among the top 10 hospitals nationwide for obstetrics and gynecology care by U.S. 皇冠hga025与世界报道.

富有同情心的护理: 经历妇科症状会让人感到沮丧. 我们的专家会倾听您的担忧, discuss your symptoms and recommend tests to pinpoint the cause of your discomfort.

综合服务: Our experienced team supports your gynecological health from preventive care to advanced treatments, 包括微创手术. 我们也提供计划生育资源.

专业课程: Find highly trained providers for your unique needs at our specialized gynecological programs. 我们提供方便, 专门治疗骨盆疼痛的诊所, family planning, 生育和生殖健康, 肌瘤和盆底健康.


At UCLA Health, 专家提供富有同情心的服务, 专家护理全方位的妇科健康需求. We offer:

Wellness exams

We offer routine well-visits to check in with you and your gynecological health. 这些检查可以帮助你预防疾病和感染. Our specialists also take this time to talk about any questions or concerns you may have.


  • 可预防疾病的筛查试验
  • 月经健康评估
  • 性健康讨论
  • 生育计划
  • 妇科问题对话

We recommend preparing before your appointment to make the most of your well-visit. Try to:

  • 你手头有病史吗, 包括以前的子宫颈抹片检查信息, vaccinations, 乳房x光检查和性传播感染检查.
  • Know the details of any problems you’d like to discuss with your provider, 包括什么时候开始的,持续了多久.
  • Think about any concerns you have about your sexual life or sexual health.
  • Reflect on your reproductive life plans (whether or not you’d like to have children, 以及你想如何实现你的目标).
  • Note any other gynecological concerns you have and how they have affected your life.


Experts in our 慢性盆腔疼痛计划 use the latest tools and technology to diagnose the source of your chronic (long-term) pain. We use imaging, pain mapping and diagnostic procedures to determine or confirm a diagnosis. Then we work with you to develop a treatment plan using the most effective therapies (nonsurgical or surgical) to bring you relief.

Family planning

Family planning 这项服务是为任何想要预防怀孕的人提供的, 组建一个家庭或简单地了解你的选择. 我们的团队提供个性化护理, 避孕(节育)咨询及转介, fertility, prenatal care, 怀孕和更多.


The UCLA Health 生育和生殖健康中心 is a renowned clinic in Southern California. 我们治疗月经不调之类的病症, endometriosis, 不孕和多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS). 我们的团队专门从事生育评估和治疗, 生育保护, 遗传咨询, 计划生育和生殖外科. 了解更多有关 生育和生殖健康 care we offer.


我们提供全面的 fibroid care to reduce pain, bleeding, pressure and other complications from fibroids (abnormal growths in the uterus). 使用先进的成像技术, 我们诊断肌瘤并根据您的具体情况定制治疗方案. Our skilled team offers nonsurgical treatments and minimally invasive surgery, when possible.


Our multispecialty team of urogynecologists and urologists at the UCLA Health 妇女盆腔健康中心 治疗所有类型的盆底疾病. We offer noninvasive therapies as well as advanced surgical treatments.


我们的妇科医生会照顾您的盆腔和生殖健康. 我们提供多种治疗方法,包括:

影响子宫的疾病, such as uterine fibroids (growths in the uterus) and endometriosis (abnormal and painful tissue growth outside the uterus)

Infections, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and yeast infections

卵巢的条件, such as ovarian cysts (abnormal fluid-filled growths in the ovaries) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS, 生殖激素失衡)


月经紊乱和更年期, 包括经前综合症和异常出血

Vaginal pain, such as vulvodynia (discomfort or pain around the opening of the vagina) and dyspareunia (painful sex)


We offer both preventive health services and advanced gynecological treatments. You can rely on our experts for compassionate care that makes you feel comfortable, heard and hopeful.


Visit our providers for annual gynecological exams to check your pelvic and breast health. Your provider discusses any symptoms you may have and checks for abnormalities, 疼痛的原因或感染的迹象.

Advanced testing

We offer tests and medical treatments for vaginal infections such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) and yeast infections. 你的妇科医生可能会根据你的要求检查性传播感染, 或者如果他们怀疑性传播感染,例如:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis B or C
  • 单纯疱疹病毒(疱疹或HSV)
  • 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)
  • Syphilis


We offer annual breast cancer screenings (mammograms) using X-ray imaging. The American Cancer Association (ACA) endorses the option to start screening between ages 40 and 44 and recommends annual mammograms starting at age 45. After age 54, the ACA advises continuing to screen annually or switching to every other year as long as you’re in good health.


We offer several ways to prevent pregnancy so that you can decide when and if you want to have a child. Depending on your personal preferences and reproductive needs, we may recommend:

  • 屏障方法,如避孕套和横膈膜
  • Hormonal contraceptives, such a birth control pill, patch, ring or injection
  • 宫内节育器(IUD),可能是激素或非激素
  • 输卵管结扎或输精管切除术以永久预防妊娠
  • 其他非激素避孕,包括基于生育的方法

通过我们的网站了解更多关于节育的信息 family planning services.


Our experts provide a range of nonsurgical treatments and refer you to additional specialists when needed. Based on your condition and its severity, we may recommend interventions such as:

  • 药物和注射
  • Physical therapy
  • Dietary management
  • 辅助疗法,如针灸


Our specialists use advanced surgical techniques to treat a range of conditions, including fibroids, 子宫内膜异位症和盆底疾病.

只要有可能,我们就会这样做 微创妇科手术. Minimally invasive means we use fewer and smaller incisions than traditional (open) surgery. 这种方法可以减少疼痛,缩短恢复时间, 这样你就能尽快恢复日常活动了.

Meet the team

你会得到专家团队的特别照顾, 包括妇科专家, 泌尿妇科医生和妇科外科医生. We work together to prioritize your health and provide reproductive health care with compassion and skill.

Contact us

Call 310-794-7274 to learn more about our gynecological services or request an appointment at UCLA Health.

Find your care

We offer gynecology care that meets all of your pelvic and reproductive health needs. 欲了解更多妇科服务,请致电 310-794-7274.