
我们的 胸 surgeons use advanced techniques and consistently rank among the best in the nation. They utilize a variety of different 胸 手术 types to ensure the best outcomes for the patient.

Surgical operating 团队 performing 胸 手术 in modern hospital


我们的 胸 (chest) 手术 团队 is at the forefront of care. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 consistently ranks among the top hospitals in the nation. 今年, U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 我们排名第一. 在全国有5名肺病学和肺外科医生.

We use advanced techniques and 胸 treatments, a 团队 approach and patient-centered care. 当病人选择 us 用于胸外科手术,他们 受益于:

Multispecialty护理: We believe that collaborative care leads to the best patient outcomes. 您的护理团队包括专家的专业知识 肺学肿瘤, 放射学, 胃肠病学 核医学. This 团队 approach means that we can offer you targeted and specialized 胸 treatment options.

优秀的临床项目: In our division, we have many specialized programs to treat specific diseases. 例如, our Mesothelioma Program is designated as a Center for Excellence in mesothelioma treatment. 我们的 Sarcoma Program is one of the three highest-volume programs of its kind in the country.

创新的领导者: 除了照顾病人, our clinicians participate in multiple research programs and clinical trials. We also have a highly regarded training program where we educate the next generation of 胸 surgeons.


什么是胸外科手术? Thoracic 手术 types include 程序 on your lungs, chest and esophagus. 我们的 胸 surgeons work in multiple clinical programs,包括:

Esophageal Cancer and Benign Esophageal Disorders Program: We offer the full spectrum of testing and treatment for 食管疾病. 我们的 surgeons are crucial members of the treatment 团队 for esophageal cancer, as well as benign (noncancerous) conditions that affect the esophagus.

肺癌计划: Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in both women and men. We collaborate with multiple specialists, such as pulmonologists, oncologists and 放射肿瘤学家 提供优质的护理. We also perform research to learn more about lung cancer and find new treatments.

间皮瘤计划: Mesothelioma is a condition that leads to tumors on the lining of your lungs, heart, or esophagus. At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we have achieved certification as a Center of Excellence in mesothelioma treatment. We are one of only a few centers that offers a 手术 呼叫ed a pleurectomy and decortication, in which we remove tumors while still preserving lung tissue.

机器人胸外科项目: Robotic 程序 allow surgeons to operate through small incisions with even more precision and control. At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we have a long history of performing robotic 程序 with excellent outcomes. Today, we can use a robotic approach for many surgeries that required a large incision in the past.  

肉瘤计划: Sarcoma includes all cancers that start in your bones or soft tissue. At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we have one of the three busiest sarcoma treatment programs in the nation. 每年, 我们处理大于1的,000例肉瘤患者, 包括大约500名做过手术的病人.


我们的 胸 surgeons offer 手术 as a treatment for conditions that affect the lungs and esophagus. 我们治疗的疾病包括:

  • 食道癌: 当癌细胞开始在你的食道, 长, 从嘴到胃的中空管子.
  • 食管裂孔疝: When your stomach bulges up to your chest through your diaphragm (muscle that separates your chest and abdomen).
  • 肺癌: Cancer that starts in your lungs, often occurring in people who smoke.
  • 间皮瘤: Tumors that line the tissue (mesothelium) in your heart, lungs, stomach, or other organs.
  • 胸腔积液: Fluid buildup in the tissue (pleura) that lines the outside of your lungs and chest.
  • 肉瘤: 结缔组织或骨骼的癌症.
  • 胸廓出口综合征(TOS): When your nerves or blood vessels between your collarbone and top ribs get compressed.


我们的外科医生既做常规手术,也做高级手术 外科手术和其他 程序,包括:

  • 支气管镜检查: Inserting a small instrument through your nose or mouth to evaluate your lungs and airways.
  • 食管切除术: 切除全部或部分食道.  
  • 裂孔疝修补术: Treating a hernia by pulling your stomach back down in place and repairing the opening in your diaphragm.  
  • 叶切除术: Removing one of the sections in the lungs 呼叫ed a lobe.
  • 肺切除术: 切除全部或部分肺.  
  • 胸腺切除术: 切除胸腺, a small gland under the breastbone that makes white blood cells (cells that fight infections).  
  • 楔形切除术: Removing cancerous cells from your lung as well as part of the lung itself.

We use the latest techniques and tools to offer patients quick recovery with 更少的痛苦. 我们使用的技术和技术 外科手术和其他 程序我nclude:

  • 图像引导手术: Using real-time imaging during a procedure to help surgeons operate more precisely.
  • 腹腔镜手术: A technique that uses small incisions and tools to operate, 导致更快的恢复, 更少的痛苦, 更少的疤痕.  
  • 机器人辅助胸外科(RATS): Using small incisions and the assistance of computer technology (robot) to operate even more precisely and efficiently.
  • 电视胸腔镜手术(VATS): A technique that uses a small camera (thoracoscope) and tiny incisions in your chest to treat lung cancer, 食管疾病, 间皮瘤等等.


我们的 手术 团队 uses the latest approaches and advanced techniques to offer the best chance for an excellent outcome for each patient. We also participate in research studies so that we can continually learn the newest, 最有希望的治疗方案.


呼叫 310-267-9099 to request an appointment with a 胸 surgeon at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


我们的 胸 surgeons provide a full range of services with outcomes that are among the best in the country. 要了解更多信息,
呼叫 310-267-9099.