骨髓 & 干细胞移植

自1968年以来, our team has led the way in developing new techniques in bone marrow and stem cell transplantation procedures.

This stock medical illustration features an editorial image of the anatomy of the male torso


当你患有血癌或骨髓疾病时, 你在哪里接受治疗可能是一个挽救生命的决定. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康血液和骨髓移植 & Cellular Therapies Program at the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Jonsson Comprehensive 癌症中心 offers advanced therapies from a team of clinical experts.

We understand that undergoing a bone marrow transplant can be an overwhelming process. Our team walks you through each step in the treatment journey — from diagnosis through transplant surgery and recovery. 我们课程的亮点包括: 

创新的历史: 1968年,我们进行了第一次成功的移植手术. 从那时起,我们已经治疗了5000多名成人和儿童. Our specialists incorporate the latest research and therapies into their treatment protocols, 所以你总是收到最新的选项.

获得新疗法: 作为一个领先的学术医疗中心, we offer a range of clinical trials in blood cancer and bone marrow treatment. 例如, we were part of the landmark COBALT study that found we could use blood from an umbilical cord as a source of stem cells for transplants. We are also one of the first centers in the nation to treat both diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with CAR T-cell therapies.

合作方式: Our team includes experts in oncology, hematology, immunology and infectious diseases. These specialists work together to develop personalized treatment plans that offer you the best chance for a positive outcome.

全方位护理: Our specialists care for you from diagnosis through your transplant surgery. We deliver inpatient treatment for those who need it and also perform transplants at the UCLA Outpatient Stem Cell Transplantation Clinic. At the clinic, you receive hospital-level care in a convenient outpatient setting.


我们的专家治疗患有血癌的成人和儿童, 骨髓癌和骨髓疾病.


Doctors sometimes use the terms “bone marrow transplant” and “stem cell transplant” interchangeably. That's because they are two ways to describe the treatment “hematopoietic cell transplant.”

如果你需要移植来治疗血癌或骨髓癌, 你的治疗将涉及干细胞. 这些干细胞可能来自:

  • 你自己的骨髓
  • 来自捐赠者的骨髓
  • 你的血亲
  • 献血者的血液
  • 捐献脐带的血

The type of transplant your provider uses depends on the type of cancer you have and where we can find the best source of a good match. 我们的护理领域包括:


我们的团队从1973年开始进行骨髓细胞移植. We use the latest research and most advanced treatments to maximize your chances of a successful outcome.  


我们在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院做移植手术 U.S. News & 世界报道 被评为全国最好的儿童医院之一. 在这种情况下, families have access to some of the nation's top pediatric cancer and transplant specialists.


For a bone marrow transplant to work, the donor and the recipient need to be a good match. 我们帮助移植受者和他们的家人找到最合适的供体. We also work with donors from when they undergo testing to find out if they're a good match to when they donate bone marrow stem cells.


Bone marrow transplants help to generate new healthy cells and eliminate cancer. 如果你有以下情况,你可能需要进行骨髓移植: 

  • 再生障碍性贫血: 一种罕见的疾病,你的身体停止产生健康的血细胞. 
  • 骨髓疾病(恶性血液病): 导致干细胞发育出现问题的条件.
  • 白血病: 一种由白细胞过多引起的血癌. 
  • Lymphoma: Cancer that begins in the immune cells that fight infections, called lymphocytes.
  • 多发性骨髓瘤: Cancer that forms in your plasma cells, or white blood cells in the bone marrow.
  • 镰状细胞病: 一组导致红细胞分解的疾病. 


Cellular therapies involve transplanting cells to repair or replace damaged ones. 我们提供多种细胞疗法,包括:

  • 自体干细胞移植: We use stem cells from your own blood or bone marrow to rebuild new blood cells. We often use this treatment along with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or both.
  • 同种异体干细胞移植: 这种类型的移植使用来自血液或骨髓捐赠者的干细胞. These stem cells build a new immune system to more effectively fight cancer.
  • CAR - t细胞疗法: CAR T cells are immune cells that have been genetically altered to attack cancer cells. CAR T-cell therapy treats adults with some types of lymphoma and children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
  • 脐带血移植: 这种疗法从捐赠的脐带中获取干细胞. Cord blood transplants can be particularly beneficial if you don't have a relative who is a match for bone marrow donation. 
  • 基因疗法: We use gene therapy to treat disorders like sickle cell disease and adrenal diseases. 在基因治疗中, we treat specific genes and then return them to your body via an autologous stem cell transplant.
  • 强度减少移植: 如果你有较高的并发症风险, we may use a reduced dose of chemotherapy or radiation before performing the transplant.


Our dedicated specialists are leaders in clinical care and stem cell transplant research. 自从1968年我们做了世界上第一例骨髓移植手术以来, 我们一直是癌症治疗的首选目的地. Our team approach incorporates multiple specialists who have the expertise to perform lifesaving bone marrow transplants for adults and children.


Call 310-206-6909 申请预约 with the Blood and 骨髓 Transplant and Cellular Therapies Program at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.

用于儿童血液和骨髓移植 & 细胞治疗计划,请致电 310-825-6708 申请预约.


Our team performed one of the very first successful bone marrow transplants more than 50 years ago. Call 310-206-6909 皇冠hga025的移植专家.

用于儿童血液和骨髓移植 & 细胞治疗计划,请致电 310-825-6708.