
作为器官移植领域的领导者, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康提供卓越的手术效果和全面的支持. 你的孩子在生命的每个阶段都得到了出色的照顾.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们为您的孩子提供卓越的医疗和外科护理, 从肠道康复的早期阶段到移植及以后. Following a transplant, your child needs medications, regular checkups and follow-up care. 我们关心孩子们的成长. 我们课程的亮点包括: 

无与伦比的专业知识: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is one of just a few programs in the West — and among the premier programs in the world — for intestinal transplant. 自1991年以来, we have expertly performed multivisceral transplantation (transplant of the intestines, 肝, 脾胃).

个人的关注: We address your child’s specific needs before, during and after an intestine transplant. 因为我们是大医院里的一个小项目, 我们有足够的时间和资源为你提供先进的护理.

向成人护理过渡: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is one of the only transplant programs in the country that cares for patients from birth through adulthood, 在同一家医院. This seamless transition reduces gaps in care and helps young people manage their health more effectively, 从而提高他们长大后的幸福感.

杰出的结果: 世界知名的移植专家提供最先进的护理. 我们的成绩一直很好, 存活率等于或优于其他主要项目.

多器官移植专业知识: 如果你的孩子需要另一个器官移植和肠道移植, 我是专家. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心在最新技术方面领先全国, and our pediatric 肝 transplant program is one of the largest in the United States. 了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校儿童肝移植的信息.

的小方法: 儿童接受新器官的需求远不止于移植. We engage the whole family and address your life outside the hospital — from social issues, 饮食和营养到药物管理等等.


对于患有肠道衰竭的儿童,我们的护理从诊断开始. We offer many nonsurgical and surgical options that may even help your child avoid the need for a transplant. 高技能的专家会一路指导你, 从移植前护理到移植后支持. 我们提供:


我们首先对您孩子的整体健康状况进行全面的评估. Many children with intestinal failure need total parenteral nutrition (TPN) to receive essential nutrients. TPN是静脉(通过静脉)提供的液体营养。.

Our experts work as a team to reduce or eliminate the need for children to receive TPN. 使用药物, 改变饮食结构, 非移植治疗和手术, 我们帮助肠道消化食物和吸收营养. 这些治疗使我们能够最大限度地减少TPN的并发症,恢复肠道健康. After intestinal rehabilitation, many children regain the ability to eat and can stop TPN. 肠道康复甚至可以帮助你的孩子避免移植.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家在肠道移植方面有多年的经验. Our physicians de肝 exceptional care that continues long after your child recovers from transplant surgery.


我们的肠道移植团队照顾从出生到成年的患者, 在同一家医院. 我们帮助青少年过渡到成人护理使用定制, 灵活的方法,关注每个人的需求.

对于一些年轻人来说,这一时期可能是具有挑战性的. 因为他们要承担更多的责任,变得更加独立, 有些人发现很难管理自己的健康需求. 我们在这里帮助年轻人应对这些变化.

Our specialized team includes a psychologist who focuses on adolescent transition issues. 我们共同提供:

一致的医疗团队:皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,同样的医生通常会为你的孩子治疗一生. 这种方法确保了协调的后续护理、指导和支持.

与发育相适应的照料: 我们设计了一个适合您孩子的过渡. 这种量身定制的方法至关重要, especially if your child needs additional support due to developmental delays or other issues.

关注孩子的需求: Our physicians and surgeons share information and collaborate on care based on your child’s health rather than their age. Patients can stay in our pediatric program as long as their needs or development demand.

药物支持: 移植受者必须终生服用抗排斥药物. 在青少年时期,遵守规则是很困难的. 我们经验丰富的医生, 护士, psychologists and social workers help teens and families create routines that work for them.

Experts at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 are exploring ways to eliminate the long-term need for anti-rejection drugs following a transplant. 我们为符合条件的患者提供无免疫抑制的肾移植手术, 我们的目标是将该项目扩展到其他器官. 了解更多关于肾移植耐受项目的信息.


小肠吸收食物、液体和必需的维生素. If it doesn't work properly, then children can't get the nutrients they need to grow. 几种情况、疾病和损伤可导致肠衰竭. 这些包括:

短肠综合征(短肠综合征): 肠移植最常见的原因是短肠综合征. 短肠综合症, 由于先天性(出生时)疾病,部分肠道缺失.

疾病或伤害: 有些孩子出生后不久就会出现肠道问题. These problems may include volvulus (twisted intestine) or an inflammatory condition called necrotizing enterocolitis. 其他条件, such as genetic disorders and motility disorders (problems with how food moves through the intestines) can lead to intestinal failure.

创伤: 儿童可能会受到影响肠道的伤害. Trauma such as seatbelt injuries, gunshot wounds or stab wounds can damage the intestines.


Intestinal transplant is the last resort for children who can’t get the nutrition they need from total parenteral nutrition (TPN). TPN表现良好的儿童不适合进行肠移植.


  1. 肠衰竭
  2. 医生的诊断说剩下的肠道将无法正常工作
  3. 与TPN有关的严重、危及生命的并发症,例如:
    Certain tumors of the intestine or mesentery (tissue that holds your intestine in place)

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our team works with you to determine if transplantation is the right treatment for your child. 我们的专家在您身边讨论您孩子的选择, 解释程序并决定最合适的计划.


We work as a team to de肝 a wide range of nonsurgical and surgical options to treat intestinal failure. Our coordinated care focuses on the needs of your child while improving their overall health. 我们的专长是:


Intestinal rehab improves the function of the small bowel so it can absorb essential nutrients. 你孩子的康复计划可能包括药物治疗, 特殊饮食, 手术或这些治疗的结合. 肠道康复可以:

  • 减少或消除对TPN的需求
  • 预防TPN并发症, 其中包括电解质失衡, 感染和肝脏疾病
  • 帮助你的孩子避免移植

We explore every avenue of rehabilitation and treatment for children who have short bowel syndrome (short gut), 肠衰竭肠衰竭或引起肠衰竭的情况. 在整个过程中,你的孩子通常会和同一个康复小组一起工作. The team includes registered dietitians who have specialized expertise in gut health and digestive disorders.


对一些孩子来说, 我们可以通过移植以外的治疗来解决短肠或肠衰竭. 您的孩子可以选择手术或非手术治疗,包括:

中心静脉通路及造口护理: 我们的专家外科医生可以为TPN提供持久的静脉(IV)通道. We also perform precise surgeries to improve access and waste removal, including stoma management.

肠道延长: Specialized gut-lengthening surgeries may eliminate the need for an intestinal transplant. The procedures we offer include serial transverse enteroplasty procedure (STEP), even for children.

肠外营养支持: 专业的营养管理可以帮助你的孩子过上健康的生活. We offer specialized consultation, with specific expertise in lipid emulsion formulations. Lipids (fats) are important for maximizing nutrition and overall health in people with intestinal failure.

外科手术重建: some children, reconstruction can create a functioning intestine, making transplant unnecessary. 我们提供从多年经验中发展起来的外科重建技术.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our highly skilled surgeons perform transplants with unmatched expertise. 我们的专长是:

肠移植(小肠移植): 外科医生切除并替换部分小肠.

肝、肠移植: Surgeons remove the small intestine and 肝, replacing them with healthy donor organs.

Multivisceral移植: 外科医生会替换肠、肝、脾,可能还有胃.


如果您的孩子需要移植,我们会提供一整套的支持服务. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 您将受益于我们庞大的儿科移植项目, 其中包括许多为家庭提供的服务. 社会工作者, Child Life Specialists and support groups help children receiving a transplant and provide crucial support for their families.


Our experienced team includes world-renowned transplant surgeons with specialized expertise in pediatric intestinal and multivisceral transplants. 您的孩子会得到注册营养师的全面照顾和支持, 心理学家和肠道康复专家.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, you’ll have a dedicated team of pediatric transplant experts by your side every step of the way. 呼叫 310-825-8138 与我们联系.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, you have a dedicated team of pediatric transplant experts by your side every step of the way. 呼叫 310-825-8138 与我们联系.