
High surgery volumes mean our foot and ankle surgeons are among the most experienced in the region. We specialize in total ankle replacement and revision surgeries.



The foot and ankle surgeons at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 offer full-spectrum care for foot and ankle injuries and disorders. We use a wide range of advanced techniques to help patients get back on their feet more quickly with less pain. 


医生的专业知识: Our high surgery volumes mean our physicians have robust experience in a spectrum of procedures. We are experts in total ankle arthroplasty and revision procedures, 也可以用关节镜来修复软骨.

先进的技术: We use state-of-the-art technology to perform advanced operations. 例如,我们在拇外翻手术中使用阴茎成形术. This tool corrects bunion deformities with consistently better results, and patients benefit from early weightbearing and mobilization.

疼痛管理: 借助我们的 麻醉学 team, we offer patients pain management tools that reduce postoperative pain without the need for opioids. Our surgeons perform outpatient procedures with regional pain blocks, 帮助病人回家,更快康复.

研究重点: Our specialists are heavily involved in clinical trials and research. We constantly update treatment protocols to match leading-edge protocols.


We treat a variety of injuries and disorders affecting the foot and ankle, including: 

跟腱损伤: Partial or complete rupture (strain) of the tendon at the back of the heel (Achilles tendon), 通常是由于过度使用或反复的压力造成的

踝关节不稳定: A recurrent feeling of “giving way” on the outer side of the ankle, 经常发生在重复踝关节扭伤后

拇囊炎: 在大脚趾底部的关节上形成的骨肿块

软骨损伤: 软骨的任何损伤, 覆盖层:覆盖的海绵组织, 在骨头末端起到缓冲和减震器的作用

爪趾: 爪状脚趾弯曲成爪状的脚趾, often caused by improperly fitting shoes or nerve damage in the foot

足部及踝关节关节炎: 足部和踝关节发炎, often caused by breakdown of the cartilage that cushions bones, 比如骨关节炎

足部和踝关节畸形: Conditions that change the usual shape of the foot and can either be present at birth or develop over time as the result of trauma, 不合脚的鞋子或不适当的脚部机械

足部和踝关节骨折: Breaks in one or more bones of the foot or ankle, often resulting from a fall or direct trauma

锤脚趾: An abnormal bend in the middle joint of a toe, often affecting the second, third or fourth toes

莫顿的神经瘤: 通向脚趾的神经附近的组织增厚, 常引起脚掌的剧痛或麻木

肌腱损伤: Any damage to the tendons, the bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones


Our surgeons offer both minimally invasive and open procedures, 根据每位患者的需要制定个性化的手术计划. We specialize in ankle replacements and revision surgeries for patients with previously failed ankle implants.


关节镜检查: 外科医生在踝关节附近做一个小切口, 然后通过切口插入一个摄像机. This allows us to view the inside of the joint and possibly repair joint damage without the need for a large incision. 我们可以使用关节镜来治疗软骨或肌腱损伤.

软骨修复: In these procedures, the surgeon may remove loose cartilage or stimulate the growth of new cartilage. 例子 of cartilage repair procedures include osteochondral allograft or autograft transplantation, in which the surgeon replaces damaged cartilage and bone with tissue from a donor or from elsewhere in your body.  

骨折护理与修复: 骨折治疗可能包括使用螺钉, plates or metal rods to repair and hold a fractured bone in place as it heals. Surgeons usually use these techniques for complex or severe ankle fractures. We often perform open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) surgery to put broken bones back together and hold them in place with metal plates or screws during healing.

关节融合术: 该手术连接两根或多根骨头以增加稳定性. The surgeon may also remove damaged or diseased cartilage during a joint fusion. Patients with severe ankle arthritis may benefit from joint fusion.

联合重建: 这些手术的目的是修复受损的关节. 手术的范围从治疗小关节修复, 比如关节镜检查, 到踝关节全置换. Joint replacement is often a treatment for patients with severe arthritis.

韧带修复重建: 这些手术修复或替换撕裂或受损的韧带, 连接骨头和骨头的结实的组织带. 外科医生可以使用关节镜来修复韧带. 或者他们可以进行外侧踝关节韧带重建, in which they tighten ligaments by shortening and reattaching them to your ankle bone. Ligament repair may be needed for high ankle sprains or severe ankle sprains accompanied by other injuries.

截骨术: 外科医生切割骨头以使其变短、变长或重新排列. Patients may have an osteotomy to treat arthritis or a limb length discrepancy (LLD), 当两条腿的长度不一样时. An LLD can occur as a birth abnormality or it may be acquired, 就像骨折不能正常愈合一样.

肌腱修复与重建: These surgeries restore or replace torn or damaged foot and ankle tendons, 包括跟腱. Tendons are the strong bands of tissue connecting muscle to bone. The surgeon may use arthroscopic surgery or other techniques to sew the torn ends of tendons back together. 他们也可以进行肌腱重建, where they take tissue from a donor or elsewhere in your body to reconstruct the tendon.

全踝关节置换术及翻修术: 也叫踝关节置换术, this procedure removes the damaged portion of the ankle joint and replaces it with prosthetic parts. Our surgeons also perform a high volume of revision total ankle replacements for patients who have had complications from a previous ankle arthroplasty. Total ankle arthroplasty may be an appropriate treatment for patients with arthritis.


Our foot and ankle surgeons are experts in clinical care and research. We are skilled in many advanced surgeries, personalizing care plans to each patient’s needs. Patients who choose us benefit from well-rounded, comprehensive treatment.


呼叫 310-319-1234 to request an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our foot and ankle surgeons are skilled in a wide range of advanced techniques. 呼叫 310-319-1234皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心了解更多关于足部和脚踝手术的知识.