
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is one of only a few hospitals worldwide that offers autologous islet cell transplants. This groundbreaking procedure lowers your risk of developing diabetes after pancreas removal.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 offers surgery to remove the pancreas while preserving islet cells. 胰岛细胞产生胰岛素, so an islet cell transplant lowers your risk of developing diabetes after pancreas removal.

We are one of only about 20 programs nationwide with the skills and expertise to perform this advanced procedure. Our program brings you world-class treatment for pancreas inflammation (pancreatitis) while preventing diabetes after pancreas removal.


减轻疼痛,降低患糖尿病的风险; Pancreas removal (pancreatectomy) relieves the severe pain of inflammation in the pancreas (pancreatitis). Usually, your body can’t reduce insulin after pancreas removal. But by transplanting islet cells back into your body, you may continue to produce insulin. This reduces your risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

高度专业化的治疗: 之前, 手术中和手术后, you receive collaborative and compassionate care from experts at the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Agi Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Diseases. 为移植准备胰岛细胞, we partner with experts at the University of California, 旧金山.

经验丰富的团队: Our team performs more pancreatic surgeries than most centers in Southern California. This high level of expertise means you benefit from a lower risk of complications and better outcomes.

全人的方法: 胰腺炎是一种慢性疼痛疾病. We understand that you may have been coping for a long time with severe pain, perhaps for years. Our team helps relieve your pain and manage the medications used to treat it.

方便,一站式定位: The Agi Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Diseases is a centralized clinic where specialists exclusively treat pancreatic diseases. Having a team of experts at the same location helps you get treated quickly with fewer appointments and shorter wait times between specialist appointments.


An islet cell transplant may be an option if you need a pancreatectomy, or pancreas removal. Pancreatectomy typically removes the pancreatic islets. 但是没有胰岛细胞,就不能产生胰岛素. 结果,你患上了1型糖尿病.

An autologous islet transplant means we return your own islet cells to you, 你的身体可以继续制造胰岛素.  Removing all or part of the pancreas can relieve pain from inflammation. The islet cell transplant minimizes your risk of developing diabetes after surgery.


We offer islet cell transplantation for adults and children with severe, 胰腺炎引起的慢性疼痛. Our islet cell transplant team evaluates you to determine your eligibility. 我们会检查你的症状和整体健康状况. 你还要做一个普外科评估.

You do not need to be placed on a transplant waiting list for an islet cell transplant. The islet cells you receive are your own, so there’s no need to wait for a donor.



  1. You have a presurgical evaluation and choose a date for surgery.
  2. 你的外科医生切除了你的胰腺.
  3. Our team collects islet cells from the pancreas and transplants your own islet cells into your liver, 它们在哪里逐渐恢复功能. 你只有一次手术.
  4. 你要在医院里呆上一两个星期. 我们的专家 疼痛管理 team helps you wean off pancreatitis pain medications, if needed.


After you leave the hospital, you continue to have follow-up care from a 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 内分泌学家. Your 内分泌学家 prescribes insulin immediately after surgery while your transplanted islet cells “rest.” They help you lower insulin doses or stop taking it completely over the next several weeks and months.

不像其他类型的移植, you don’t need to take medicines to keep your body from rejecting the transplant (immunosuppressive medications). 因为胰岛细胞是你自己的, there’s no risk that your body will see them as foreign or attack them (transplant rejection).


Islet cell transplants can prevent diabetes from developing in some people after a pancreatectomy. 一般, islet cell transplants result in better outcomes for people who have had pancreatitis for a shorter time. 随着时间的推移, the chronic pancreas inflammation can damage the islet cells so they no longer produce insulin.

Our results mirror those of islet cell transplant programs globally:

  • About 1 in 3 islet cell transplant recipients need no insulin at some point after the procedure.
  • Another 1 in 3 recipients require some amount of insulin.
  • Some patients can’t produce enough insulin after surgery. 他们必须服用正常剂量的胰岛素.

Even individuals who do need insulin after the procedure eventually have greatly reduced pain or may be pain-free.


Our surgeons are at the forefront of groundbreaking transplant care. We are one of only several centers in the nation that offers islet cell transplants. Our physicians are clinical leaders and active researchers who bring you the most up-to-date treatments and promising new therapies.


呼叫 310-206-6889 to request an appointment with an islet cell transplant specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


我们的团队提供全方位的高级护理. 呼叫 310-206-6889 了解更多关于胰岛移植的知识.