Urologic Oncology

Our urologic oncologists offer comprehensive, coordinated cancer care. 我们不断研究新的治疗方法,为患者带来最先进的治疗方法.

3D illustration of Urinary System, medical concept.
Genetic research, conceptual image

Why choose UCLA Health for urologic oncology care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校泌尿肿瘤研究所汇集了一支由科学家和医生组成的团队,他们开发和实施了领先的癌症治疗方法. 我们的专家研究新的治疗方法,并将其实时提供给患者.

Highlights of our program include:

Research emphasis and clinical trials: Thanks to our research efforts, we can better visualize tumors, treat rare kidney cancers and bring new treatments to patients. 通过临床试验,我们为符合条件的患者提供有希望的新治疗方案.

Personalized, patient-centered approach: 我们的专家明白,没有两个病人是相同的,总是选择提供最好的可能结果的最高机会的方法. We also personalize treatment plans as much as possible. 例如,我们使用基因组测序来研究特定癌症的基因组成. 这种方法帮助我们了解哪种治疗方法最有可能有效地治愈癌症.

Multispecialty care: Our team brings together urologic oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists and clinical trial nurses and physicians. 所有这些专家一起工作,提供全面的,最先进的治疗.

Our areas of care

我们为影响泌尿道和男性生殖系统的癌症提供全面的护理. Our areas of care include:

Bladder Cancer Program

Our urologic oncologists provide advanced care for bladder cancer. 一个由医生和科学家组成的多专业团队共同努力,使用最先进的方法来个性化每个护理计划. We participate in multiple research projects and clinical trials, offering eligible patients access to the latest therapies. Learn more about bladder cancer.

Kidney Cancer Program

我们综合项目的专家每年治疗成千上万的肾癌患者. We use leading-edge therapies to deliver the highest standards of care. At UCLA Health, 我们相信,新的进展和研究将为越来越多的患者治愈癌症. Find out more about kidney cancer.

Prostate Cancer Program

我们为早期和晚期前列腺癌提供最新,最先进的护理. 我们接受过培训的泌尿肿瘤学家一直是国内顶尖的前列腺癌医生. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家是开发新技术和技术的先驱,这些技术导致更安全, more effective treatments. Find out more about prostate cancer.

Testicular Cancer Program

我们睾丸癌项目的专家提供全面、全面的治疗. We personalize every care plan to meet each patient’s needs, using the latest treatments in surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Learn more about testicular cancer.

Cancer Genetic Risk Assessment Program

我们的泌尿生殖系统癌症遗传风险评估项目帮助患者识别泌尿系统癌症的潜在遗传原因. 通常,了解你的遗传风险可以帮助你的护理团队制定个性化的治疗计划. It also helps determine if other family members are at risk. 遗传咨询师提供详细的咨询,帮助您了解您的测试结果. Learn more about cancer genetics.

Cancer second opinions

我们的专家为多种癌症提供第二意见咨询, regardless of where you live. 我们提供视频咨询,让全国各地的病人都能享受到我们最先进的护理. Find out more about cancer second opinions.

Integrated Cancer Program

我们为新诊断的患者提供同一天在同一诊所与不同专家会面的机会. Patients receive treatment plans from a coordinated team of urologists, radiation oncologists and urologic surgeons. 这种综合方法避免了多次就诊的需要,并允许患者在一个方便的环境中探索所有的治疗方案.

Urologic cancers we treat

Urologic oncologists treat any cancer that develops in the urinary tract, prostate or testicles, including:

Bladder cancer: Irregular masses of cells that form in the bladder, the organ that holds urine before it exits the body

Kidney cancer: 肿瘤起源于肾脏,肾脏是清除血液中多余液体和废物的器官

Prostate cancer: 起源于前列腺的癌症,前列腺是产生精液的小腺体

Testicular cancer: 始于睾丸的癌症,睾丸是产生精子和睾丸素的男性器官

Urologic cancer treatments we offer

我们的泌尿肿瘤学家与内科肿瘤学家和放射肿瘤学家合作,提供治疗性治疗. These treatments may include: 

Chemotherapy: 这种治疗癌症的方法包括使用强力药物摧毁快速生长的细胞, including cancer cells. 患者可以通过口服药物或静脉(IV)线接受化疗. 

Radiation therapy: Doctors use high doses of radiation to shrink or destroy tumors. 在整个癌症治疗过程中,患者可能需要进行几次放射治疗.

Brachytherapy: Oncologists place small radioactive seeds directly in the prostate gland. 辐射到达前列腺后对周围组织的影响很小.

External beam radiation therapy (EBRT): 放射肿瘤学家放置一台机器,引导外部辐射束照射到体内的癌细胞. This is the most common type of radiation therapy. 

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT): 放射肿瘤学家使用专门的技术来塑造放射光束以适应肿瘤的形状. 然后,他们直接向肿瘤输送精确的高强度辐射剂量.

Surgery: 外科医生的目标是在保持健康组织完整的情况下尽可能多地切除肿瘤. They may also remove nearby lymph nodes or other structures. 我们的专家尽可能多地使用机器人辅助和微创技术. 这些方法切口更小,疼痛更少,恢复更快. 

Targeted therapy: These medicines identify and target cancer cells. They may destroy cancer cells or stop them from growing. 

Immunotherapy: 这种疗法可以增强你的免疫系统,更有效地对抗癌症. 患者服用特定的药物、蛋白质或血液成分来增强免疫功能.

Genomic tumor profiling: 我们的肿瘤学家取一小部分癌细胞样本进行分析,寻找独特的基因变化. They use this information to personalize cancer treatment, finding the options that are most likely to be effective.

Meet our team

我们的泌尿肿瘤学家是研究人员和专家医生,他们提供全面的癌症护理和温暖的, personalized approach. 他们不断研究新的治疗方法,并为患者提供最有希望的治疗方法. 

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Call 310-794-7700 to request an appointment with a urologic oncologist at UCLA Health.

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