
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家为血管炎提供全面的护理, 一种罕见的自身免疫性疾病,会引起炎症. A robust team of experts provides state-of-the-art, personalized treatments.

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, an inflammatory reaction in the blood vessels appearing on woman's leg


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康血管炎项目是第一个综合性项目, multispecialty program dedicated to vasculitis treatment in Southern California. Vasculitis is a rare group of conditions that causes inflammation throughout the body. 我们的团队包括 specialists from many fields of medicine who provide tailored care. We evaluate patients 18 and older and coordinate referrals to pediatric rheumatology for younger patients.


协调护理: You receive care from a full team of providers specializing in vasculitis. 我们的团队包括 风湿病专家, neurologists, 皮肤科医生, 头颈部医生, 眼科医生, 位肺脏, 肾脏科医师 血管外科医生. We create personalized care plans using state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment options.

研究重点: 作为全国最负盛名的学术中心之一, 我们站在血管炎研究的前沿. Eligible patients have opportunities to participate in research and clinical trials. We develop new diagnostic tools, research treatments and track outcomes.

医生领袖: Our physicians raise awareness about vasculitis by educating trainees, 医生和相关医疗专业人员. We teach other specialists to recognize and evaluate patients with suspected vasculitis early so they can receive timely treatment.


Vasculitis is a rare group of conditions in which the immune system attacks the blood vessels, 引起炎症反应. It can affect nearly any part of your body and causes a wide array of symptoms. 血管炎的症状包括:

  • Fatigue
  • 食欲不振,体重减轻
  • 麻木或虚弱
  • Skin rashes

Depending on which part of your body is affected by inflammation, vasculitis complications can be serious and potentially life-threatening. For example, inflammation in the blood vessels in your brain may lead to a stroke. 心脏血管炎可能导致心脏病发作. It’s important to treat vasculitis early to lower your risk of these complications.

大多数时候,医生找不到血管炎的明确病因. These are rare conditions, and most forms of vasculitis affect only several people out of a million.



抗中性粒细胞胞浆自身抗体(ANCA)血管炎: Specific antibodies called ANCAs cause inflammation by attaching to immune cells called neutrophils. ANCA血管炎的亚型包括:

Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss vasculitis): 这种血管炎类型几乎总是导致哮喘. 人们也可能有鼻窦问题、过敏或皮疹.  

肉芽肿伴多血管炎(GPA): 以前称为韦格纳肉芽肿病, 这种类型通常影响鼻窦, 肺或肾. It may cause shortness of breath, congestion, chronic coughing or frequent nosebleeds. In GPA, inflammation causes the formation of granulomas, small clusters of immune cells.

显微镜下多血管炎(MPA): MPA affects similar body systems and causes similar symptoms as GPA. It doesn’t cause granulomas and may progress more slowly than GPA.

中枢神经系统血管炎(CNS血管炎): This type of vasculitis affects blood vessels in the brain and spine. Symptoms may include severe headaches, confusion, balance problems, vision loss or seizures. Without treatment, it can lead to serious complications, such as a stroke.

Cryoglobulinemic血管炎: The body creates cryoglobulins, irregular immune system proteins. When the body gets cold, cryoglobulins can clump together and block blood vessels. This may cause muscle weakness, joint pain, rashes, red or purple skin spots (purpura) or ulcers.

巨细胞动脉炎(颞动脉炎): 炎症发生在动脉内膜. It often affects the arteries in the head, especially in the temples. Symptoms may include headaches, jaw pain, scalp tenderness, vision changes or fatigue.

IgA血管炎(Henoch-Schönlein紫癜): An antibody called immunoglobulin A clusters in the small blood vessels. 这些簇状物会使血管发炎,导致血管渗漏. 这几乎总是导致皮肤上出现红紫色的斑点. 它还可能引起关节疼痛或胃肠道问题.

白细胞破裂性血管炎(LCV): This type occurs when immune cells called neutrophils break down and cause inflammation. 它通常会导致影响皮肤的症状, 比如红紫色的斑点, 发痒或灼烧的皮疹, 开放性疮(溃疡)或充满液体的肿块(脓疱). LCV may also be called hypersensitivity vasculitis or hypersensitivity angiitis.

风湿性多肌痛: This type of vasculitis affects the large muscle groups, especially in the hips and shoulders. It can lead to widespread muscle pain and stiffness and often occurs along with giant cell arteritis.

结节性多动脉炎(PAN): This disorder causes widespread inflammation and damage to small- and medium-sized arteries throughout the body. It can affect any organ system, including the kidneys, heart, intestines, muscles or nervous system. Symptoms may include high blood pressure, joint pain, muscle pain or abdominal pain. PAN may also lead to bulges in artery walls (aneurysms) or blood clots. 

Takayasu指出动脉炎: 炎症发生在主动脉, the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. 它可能会导致手臂无力, muscle pain, a weak pulse, chest pain, 高血压和许多其他症状. Without treatment, complications such as a stroke, aneurysm or heart failure may develop.

荨麻疹的血管炎: Usually, the first sign of urticarial vasculitis is bumps on the skin that look like hives (urticaria). 荨麻疹可能会发痒或灼烧. Many people with urticarial vasculitis also have widespread symptoms such as joint pain, 腹部疼痛或皮肤深处肿胀(血管性水肿).


治疗的重点是控制症状, 降低炎症和并发症的风险. 血管炎的治疗包括:

  • 生活方式的改变, 比如吃消炎食物, exercising, 用健康的应对技巧来管理压力
  • 控制炎症的药物,如类固醇
  • Surgery, particularly if vasculitis has led to an aneurysm (bulge in the wall of a blood vessel)
  • Emergency treatment for vasculitis complications, such as a heart attack or stroke

Our team

我们的血管炎团队包括广泛的专家. 我们评估、诊断和治疗各种类型的血管炎. We also teach other health care providers to recognize the early signs of vasculitis so patients receive quick treatment. 多亏了我们的研究, eligible patients have access to new and promising treatment options through clinical trials.


Contact us

Call 310-582-6350 to request an appointment with a vasculitis specialist at UCLA Health.


Our Vasculitis Program is the first of its kind in Southern California. Call 310-582-6350皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心了解更多关于血管炎治疗的知识.